is it time for you (progressive Christian) to come out of the closet?

Thanks to Ron S. for sharing this article with me.  Carol Howard Merritt, author, pastor and co-host of God Complex Radio, writes “It is clear that [progressive Christians’]decades of irrelevancy are over now. The last election showed the decline of the Religious Right’s power. Not only that, but the mute button is off. We can begin to hear progressive Christian voices, whether they come from those who grew up Evangelical and are now rejecting the views of their youth or they have been working for justice all along. And we can now claim that our work has been hard, but it has not been in vain.”

Published by nash

I am curious about everyone and everything, know a lot about some things, a little about others, nothing about still others. I've got roughly half my life to go, and I want it to count, and be damn fun, too. I want to leave the world better than I found it, and grow and change myself in the process.

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